MUNs as a Delegate (FSMUN, IPMUN)

Model United Nations is a great way of debating and exploring ideas on topics of global significance. I took part in 2 MUN conferences this past year. In FSMUN, I was the delegate of India to the UNSC and in IPMUN, I was the delegate of USA to the UNHSC.

LO1: As I participated in a couple of MUNs, I had prior experience and identified my strengths and weaknesses in researching, reporting, and debating.

LO2: Debating is one of the things that I am good at but this format o debate was very new for me so showcasing my skills in this event was a big challenge for me especially given the fact that this event lasted hours for two consecutive days.

LO3: I had to research for the given topic and prepare my speech for the general speakers list and also jot down points that I wanted to initiate in the debate.

LO4: In MUNs the agenda takes multiple turns throughout the course of the debate and any side can have the upper hand at any given moment. I demonstrated determination and perseverance in order to maintain the upper hand while debating and reach a favourable conclusion.

LO5: As there are multiple delegates in a given community, a lot of lobbying takes place wherein we form alliances with other countries to tilt the agenda towards us. This is where I demonstrated the skills and recognized the benefits of working collaboratively.

LO6: The agenda was for the IPMUN was the Cuban Missile Crisis. This is a historic community so events from the past were to be discussed as if we were present in that era. These topics were of global significance and impacted relations within countries drastically. For FSMUN, it was Taliban taking over Afghanistan. This is where I engaged in issues of global significance.

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