School Trip to Mount Abu

As part of a school-organized educational trip, I traveled to Mount Abu with my classmates and teacher for a four-day trip from December 9 to December 14, 2022. This trip presented a unique and exciting experience for me, as I had previously never gone trekking so it would be fun to go with friends. We engaged in a variety of physical activities during these four days, including trekking, rappelling, rock climbing, and caving, which enabled us to better understand our physical limitations and work towards improving our overall health. Beyond learning new skills, this educational trip helped us forge stronger bonds with one another and cultivate a deeper appreciation for our bodies.

LO 1- Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.

As we engaged in various physical activities, I gradually discovered both my strengths and weaknesses. Although I already had a high level of stamina, the demanding trekking experience over several days significantly improved it. Additionally, participating in activities that required courage and risk-taking helped me develop these skills. Furthermore, I learned that I have a high pain tolerance even though I was sick and having throat infection , I managed to complete the trip without missing out on anything. This experience allowed me to better understand myself physically and mentally.


LO 2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

Since the campsite was located at a high altitude, adapting to a new environment was crucial for both my mind and body to adapt to the daily physical exertion and the cold weather. Despite the challenging environment, I made my well-being a priority and maintained a daily exercise routine and warm-up exercises. Additionally, maintaining proper hygiene was a challenge for everyone since we had to wake up early and bathe with cold water. Despite the discomfort, I recognized the importance of personal hygiene and took cold water baths every morning during the trip. Through these challenges, I was able to step out of my comfort zone, which was the primary objective of the trip.

LO 7- Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

As someone who is passionate about environmental conservation, I have always been mindful of the impact of my actions on the natural world. During the trip, I was careful not to litter and also reminded my friends to do the same. Additionally, I made a conscious effort to collect any litter I came across while trekking through forests and trails. By doing so, I was able to enjoy the trip while also contributing towards addressing a global issue at a personal level.



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