World Coastal Beach Cleaning Day

I’ve been to Dumas beach rarely, so I’ve never been aware of the beach’s proximity to plastic pollution. Recently I went to the beach with my family for a good atmosphere and feel fresh air during my weekend. However, we noticed Bottles, footwear, bags and wrappers were all around the beach. Sadly, we were unable to stay there for a long time and we left. That is when I decided to go for any event of cleaning the beach. And Nation-wide Coastal Clean up was the opportunity for me, so I participated In it which really helped me to understand and helped the beach to stay clean.

LO4:Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

I showed commitment and perseverance towards the task as we had to as much as we could and help the place by making it cleaner. Also we had to walk very much as the trash was spread throughout the beach.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Cleaning the beach was not a work for 5 to 7 people hence we needed very huge number of population, so we collaborated with people and made different groups to clean it more and faster.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

When I went to the beach, I noticed that it was scattered with a variety of waste, the significant proportion of which was plastic bottles, plastic wrappers, plastic bags, and so on. Plastic must be recycled because it is harmful to the environment and to us. However, everyone on the beach throws garbage everywhere and not in garbage bags, makes collecting and recycling time-consuming. So I decided to take part in the Nation Coastal Cleanup. This greatly helped the people who work there in removing and recycling waste.

Takeaway: This CAS experience helped me a lot to understand that people who work here it would be very hard for them to clean this and also we should not throw such things on beach or anywhere as it creates some or the other kind of negative effect.

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