Beach cleaning

I contributed in a beach cleaning. We cleaned a big area of the Dumas beach on Saturdays and Sundays for 4 weeks from 27 August 2022 to 25 September 2022. We found a lot of trash on the beach like plastic bags, glass bottles, vegetable and fruit wastage and lot more.

As a result of my CAS experience I will have a better understanding of the environmental issues that we face, and what I have learned from this CAS experience is that garbage is a significant issue in and near beach areas, and we should keep our beaches clean by spreading awareness and participating in cleaning activities to maintain our environmental quality.

LO4 : Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experience

In this CAS experience, I demonstrated commitment and perseverance by volunteering in a great cause of cleaning the Dumas beach. We woke up early in the morning and went to the Dumas beach where we cleaned the food wastage, glass bottles, plastic bottles, etc. from the beach and made an attempt to reduce the pollution near water bodies and in the environment near us as well as spreading awareness for reducing pollution.

LO5 : Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Working in a group or working collaboratively will help us in collecting more trash off the beach and making our surroundings more clean. Also by working collaboratively we will be able to achive our goal more quickly. The benefits of working collaboratively we can also spread awareness about cleaning our beaches and surroundings. This resulted in more innovation, more efficient operations, greater success, and enhanced communication, allowing us to clean the beach more successfully. Working together will allow us to gather more garbage while also motivating us to collect more for environmental sustainability.

LO6 : Engagement with issues of global significance

One of the key challenges being tackled here is land pollution, human modification, and climate change, which can endanger the sensitive coastal ecosystem and the marine world, which is home to a diverse spectrum of marine species. Beaches polluted with trash can affect the sustainability of our natural system, therefore we should make the beach area our home and learn how to enjoy it without hurting it. Beaches can be damaged if they are not adequately protected.

LO7 : Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

By participating in the beach cleaning along with my friends, I cleaned the beach by collecting all the trash we come by and disposeing it correctly the way it should have been done before, also motivating people on the beach to join the cause, which will benefit the environment. This action done by me was morally right because it benefitted both the community and also the environment.

The SDGs catered in this CAS experience are SDG – 3 – Good health and wellbeing, SDG – 6 – Clean water and Sanitation, and SDG – 11 – Sustainable cities and Communities. The learner profile attributes that I developed as result of this CAS experience is Knowledgeable because I am thinking about the environment and helping to clean it.



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