Football Nationals (A)

The Fountainhead girls’ team was selected for the Subroto nationals 2022 for football which was held in the 3rd week of September. Getting selected and participating in a national tournament is a great opportunity for learning. It has shown me how differently and beautifully football can be played. 

I have been doing football for 3 years and this was a big opportunity for me, and I sure had a lot of fun and learning during this tournament. 

LO1 – [identify own strengths and develop areas for growth]

Football is a team sport, meaning my strengths and weaknesses affect my whole team. 2 months before the tournament, we started preparing and practicing. I made sure I knew my strengths and also the areas for growth because I wanted to give my best during the tournament. I worked hard for the same. 

LO2 – [demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process]

Our coach, Anwar Hans, organized an early football practice session before school every day till the tournament for a month, this helped me alongside my teammates to develop new skills from technicalities to team building, which could be seen during the tournament. Moreover, even during the tournament, we could develop new skills just by looking at how different teams were playing because they had completely different mindsets, and it was a privilege to watch them play. 

LO4 – [show commitment and preservation in CAS experience]

In addition to the sessions that started 2 months before the tournament, I have been practicing football for 3 years, which shows commitment and preservation more than anything else. A sport like a football asks us to give time, effort, and dedication, which is exactly why our team was selected for a national tournament. 

LO5 – [demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working together]

Football is a team sport, meaning we can take advantage of every single player on the team, spending so much time together practicing helped our team develop a strong bond, which helped us during our matches. Working and practicing together helped me become more confident and I as a part of the team gave my best. 

In conclusion, the Subroto cup nationals have taught me so much, I developed different skills and was fully focused and dedicated towards something so big. This tournament was everything that I hoped for and so much more.


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