The 4th edition of ISSO football was organized by Fountainhead School and while also participating in the tournament and coming first, I also volunteered to organize it and share my love for football with students from all over India. This was a huge event and I was more than lucky to share my service with different IB schools from all over India. 


LO2 – [demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process] 

Organizing such a major 4-day event shows that challenges have been undertaken (risktaker), moreover, it was organized at the start of October, but on the day of the tournament it rained, making it very difficult to manage everything as we could not go as per the schedule. These problems helped me develop new skills such as effective communication to do my part in making sure the event ran smoothly, and even social skills as we interacted with IB schools across India, making sure our school’s mark was made. 


LO3 – [Initiate and plan a CAS experience]

This event required me to contact different people at different times to make sure the event was in flow, And as part of the organizing team, I can say that the organizing process wasn’t easy. Around 30 IB schools were participating and it took a lot of hard work and teamwork to manage everyone present there. Initiating and planning this CAS experience was back-breaking but also rewarding at the same time. 


LO4 – [show commitment and preservation in CAS experience] 

We already had so much going on, with our term 1 exam starting just after the tournament was over, But these are the moments that IB has trained us for. This is where self-management skills come into place, hence we started the preparations for this event as well as managed our studies so that there is no burden at the end. This shows our commitment and preservation towards the CAS experience. 


LO5 – [demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working together]

The only way we could organize such a huge and successful event was because of the organizing team, our teachers, our school, our school staff, and the participants. We identified our strengths and worked together, benefiting with such a victorious event. 


All in all, the most amazing part of this event was the chance to reconnect with my old friends, the ones I made through football from different schools and from different tournaments. It reminded me why I started playing football in the first place. This event is something I will cherish forever.

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