Rock Climibing (A)

Trying new things is imperative to gain confidence and to also open doors to new enlightening experiences. During our school trip, I tried rock climbing for the first time and I loved it. It made me open up to new things, and since it was my first time, I can say I was willing to take risks,

LO1 – [identify own strengths and develop areas for growth]
I have always been athletic and fit, so trying new physical activities has always been my cup of tea. Identifying the same as my strength I was pretty confident. However, I get scared of heights, especially when I looked down, and I felt dizzy. These were the areas I could grow, and be more strong-minded.

LO2 – [demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process]
It was a challenge for sure, as it was my first time, moreover, there was a specific way of doing it and the time to learn the same was very short, we also got only one chance. This helped me develop various skills: critical thinking skills to be open-minded and listen carefully to all the instructions as that was the only preparation I could do; self-management skills to perform the safety instructions for my own good. I also developed physical skills, by forcing myself to complete the course.

All in all, I will cherish this experience forever and it’s packed in a bottle full of adrenaline rush.

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