Learning Watersports – Activity

During my holiday, I visited my village and got the opportunity to explore watersport activities. There were numerous watersports available, including jet skis, fly boards, and speed boats. I had a traumatic experience with waterbodies as a child, hence I became aquvaphobic. The goal of learning watersports is to help me overcome my trauma.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Being a sports fanatic, identifying my strength, which is physical fitness, was not difficult. However, being close to water bodies may be one of my weakness. I was quite thrilled to learn about watersports; the importance of knowing our strengths and weaknesses is to help ourselves grow by turning our flaws into strengths. In the future, I’d look forward to such activities where I could grab opportunities and let the phobia go away.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The most difficult activity was flyboarding, which needed balance because it was my first time. It took me 4-5 days to learn to fly board, I noticed that my phobia for water bodies had faded with time, and simtaneously learnt a new sport. Patience, risk-taking, and communication are some of the skills I had developed. It is important to practise patience while learning watersports because panicking will not assist. Risk taker, because I had taken risk of my life, not knowing the causes. Lastly, I developed communication skills because I had to communicate with the instructors for my condition.

LO4: Show commitment to and preservance in CAS experiences

In this CAS experience, commitment was essential for me to overcome my trauma. Commitment was displayed, while the learning stage becuase I had faced many problems. The perseverance in learning watersports despite the difficulty, the activities appeared to be simple but were actually challenging.  This CAS experience was an perfect opportunity to showcase my activity. I was sucessfully able to learn to jet ski and fly board in a few days.

Final takeaway

This CAS experience helped me build my risk-taking, communicating and confidence skills while learning watersports for the first time. At the end, I feel very proud as I was able to learn different kind of sport in short time. Next time, I would be aiming to develop few basic stunts which could help me define aquatic sport person. I was successfully able to overcome my weakness and turn into a strength, for which I appreciate myself.


Fly board video

Jetski video


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