Karma Kitchen – Service

Karma Kitchen is a completely voluntary-led event with the aim of connecting people with pricelessness. It aims to spread culture of generosity and pay it forward. Karma Kitchen has made an effort to remove the price tag and foster gratitude among the volunteers, becuase in present time everything has been marked as ‘value’. The volunteers were given a restaurant and required to manage it, as well as other responsibilities including waste managing, working as a waitress/er, and post-cleaning. I chose to volunteer as a water filling waiter for this event.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The task of water filling waiter was difficult for me as I had never experienced it before, so everything about it was new and challenging for me. I had to learn a few things like serving, interacting with the guests, signalling with other helpers, being patient and having soft tone while communicating. Working for hours and being constantly in motion was hard to endure. The task becomes more difficult as the restaurant approaches its peak time. Being a water filling waiter, I had also developed the skill of being attentive, having a good memory and active listener.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Being a waiter, I had to work collaboratively with other volunteers in order to run the restaurant smoothly. At some point, I had to switch my duty with other or serve someone else’s duty by communicating in signals for maintaining the flow. All in all, every volunteer had to be independent and communicate with each other for making the best possible experience for our lovely guests.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

As mentioned above, in the present economy every good or service is marked as value. However, in Karma kitchen many volunteers get an opportunity to grow in geneoristy, and change the world by removing the price tag on the menu, and serve as much food desired by our customers. Karma kitchen has hosted on many cities around the world for overcoming the global issue of marking price on every good or service. Knowing about this global issue, it helps me to cultivate ideas of selflessness, grace and generosity.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Considering the ethics, since karma kitchen is totally volunteer-led event, our actions does reflect upon the organization. Even when there were misunderstandings, we had to make sure that the work was done productive while maintaining a calm voice. Such actions does reflect the organization in a postivie manner. Additionally, the concept of paying based on gratitude of the guest. The meals are prepared and delivered with kindness as a genuine gift to the guests. Guests contribute in the spirit of paying it forward to the people who will come after them in order to continue this experiment and complete the entire circle of giving.

Final takeaway

In this CAS experience, I developed the Learner profiles: Open-minded, Caring and Communicator. We as volunteers had displayed kindness and respect for every guest that entered our kitchen, verbal and non-verbal communication with new faces were the most developed skill. We did achieve success by welcoming enough guests and the event had functioned as per our expectations.



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