Art account (Creativity)

Learning Outcome 1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

Art in every way has plenty of definitions, but for me it is foremost the finest way of acknowledging one’s feelings. I’ve been inclined towards art since my childhood but often neglect it, which leads to me often finding myself unproductive in my leisure time. To improve upon this aspect in my lifestyle and to potray my personal growth by spending my time effectively, I drew the conclusion of making an art account on one of the widely used social media platforms, instagram. Targeting my art process and side by side my day-to-day life journal. This creativity exploration task acts as one of the constant sources of inspiration and reminder of being connected to art. It made me realize that being an artist is not only about artistic skills, it’s also about expressing your emotions by effectively communicating with your audience. I’ve comprehended that, ‘stepping out of your comfort zone, will support you by developing your skills and lead the way to uprise in self exploration’.


Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

An important part of growing my art skill was consistency. I was responsible, regular and committed throughout this creativity exploration task. Despite downfalls where I had no artworks to be displayed online, I would seek art in my day to day and provide pictures of food, sunset and videos to my audience. My final take away from this experience was that once you are consistent in something new you start, you’d never regret it. The more you work, the more you learn. Looking out for your passion and moving forward with it will make you proud in the long term.


Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Creating a routine that would develop my skills was one of the most challenging tasks. Other responsibilities of life acted as huge barriers as it required daily content posting, appropriate graphical and musical selection. It was quite time consuming and being able to fit in time for daily stories in my day to day life was not easy. To meet the expectations from the audience’s side, updating the account on a daily basis with quality content. Adding on, keeping up with the trendy updates was one of the factors that required a lot of time to be spent, as I was expected to do a lot of research and scrolling to keep notes of the latest music, minimals, aesthetics and graphics that will build up my account status. Stepping out of my comfort zone and developing my photography skills hand to hand, a whole month of everyday photographing every single moment in my life for the content creation. Continuing, there are for sure some days where an artist just doesn’t feel like creating, and I realized that, you can’t force art-it comes from within. With the help of a growing art community on social media, everyone including my audience supported me, they not only gave me comments but also appropriate feedback on how to improve upon my skills. I was able to reflect back upon my skills by comparing my past work and the present with the help of my audience.

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