Educational trip (trekking)

We visited Mount Abu as a part of our educational trip from school. In Rajasthan, India. Trekking is the act of exploring an area by walking through it. For four days, we lived outside of the city in the woods, pushing our comfort zones away. There we went for Mowgli Land Trek, Golden horn chimney trek, performed different obstacle activities, Sunrise Trek, Rock Climbing, Rappelling and Caving.

LO 1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth
Every activity there needed a high level of physical fitness, endurance, and commitment to complete while trekking. All of these activities helped me discover my personal abilities and helped me grow for my self improvement. I found a new aspect of myself to explore by stepping outside of my comfort zones. 

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
Trekking was a big challenge for me because I have never had an experience before. I also didn’t have a lot of stamina. Also, because of the somewhat stumbling rocks, I had to be mindful of my surroundings and where I was going at all times while on the treks. Even I once had a leg injury while passing through a wildlife area. Furthermore, the weather changed with the time of day; for example, it was very sunny in the afternoon but very cold in the evening.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
I needed a lot of perseverance and dedication for this experience because the treks were difficult and took a lot of time because they were on rocky slopes. We had to wake up early in the morning, and get ready for the treks. I also finished all the treks despite being really exhausted, and after taking photographs at the top, I felt relieved and that the walking and climbing had been worthwhile. The views were amazing, and after the hike, the discomfort and exhaustion were all worth it.

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
All of my friends and others have purchased items for the camp that were not permitted, such as chocolates, chips, etc. As a result, we made the decision to give it to the kids in the village beside our campsite. Where we discussed the important global problem of ending hunger and poverty. The edible items we donated to the children made them and they were very happy. 

This experience was new for me, I had never been on a trek before. All the activities and trekking required a lot of physical fitness and commitment for completing it. I was very tired and I improved a lot of my core strength and stamina by going into nature and performing my best to complete them. As Mount Abu was a hill station, in the afternoon it was very hot and at night it was very cold. Also staying in nature for 4 straight days without technology or internet was a big task. Making memories with friends and living outside our comfort zones. 


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