Beach cleaning

      CAS – Beach Cleaning 


Coastlines are significant because they serve as unique habitats for maritime plants, animals, and insects. Beaches are several of the most serene and tranquil locations on Earth because we obtain natural vibes that are highly helpful for our spiritual well-being. The calming fresh air and soft sounds of the water have a calming effect. On interpersonal coastal cleanup day I was part of the campaign which was held in surat,Gujarat where thousands of people have taken part and it makes me confident to work and help them to clean the beach.



It was difficult for me and my group as there was so many trash which makes us uncomfortable but as it was our challenge to make the beach clean we just go for every trash which we could see and also seeing the staff, and nursery students to see working and cleaning makes us feel more energetic and continued to work more towards cleaning and helping the environment.



I displayed tenacity and dedication to my CAS experience by picking garbage from the beach. I did not simply gather little trash; I also collected huge junk, such as bottles, and I did this for a duration of two hours.



I was able to take advantage of the benefits of togetherness because, while I couldn’t gather much garbage alone, working as a team with my classmates enabled us to collect a lot more junk.



I was able to highlight the global problem of littering by collecting trash from the coastline. Littering near the ocean, in particular, is detrimental to the environment because it may end up in the water, where animals may consume it without realizing the consequences and suffer.

To summarise, the experience was pretty useful, and the most fulfilling aspect was that the entire beach was nice and clean, even though everyone was exhausted and the smiles on everyone’s faces after about 2 hours of cleaning the beach.

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