Learning Python

I initially started learning Python because I wanted to develop my skills in programming and data analysis. However, I quickly found that Python has a wide range of applications and can be used to build web applications, work with data, and even create games. This versatility was one of the things that I found most appealing about Python. In addition to the online resources, I also found it helpful to work on projects as I learned Python. This allowed me to put my new skills into practice and see how they could be applied in a practical setting. 


LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

Being new to coding and learning a programming language at the same time was a weakness for me. By practicing more and asking my brother for support, I worked on improving my debugging skills. I was able to identify and fix errors in my programs thanks to this ability, which helped me save time and effort.

LO2:  Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

Python is a dynamically-typed language, which means that variables do not have a fixed type. This can make it harder to catch errors at compile-time and can lead to runtime errors. I found this challenging. There are many online resources available for learning Python, including tutorials and documentation. I found it helpful to use these resources to learn the basics of the language and to get help when I was stuck.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

Learning a programming language can be difficult and demanding, requiring persistence and commitment. Acquiring language proficiency can take some time because there are many ideas and skills to learn. Sometimes as I was learning Python, I struggled to understand certain ideas or tasks and had to put a lot of effort into them.

LO 6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

A new programming language’s format and concepts for constant practice might be difficult for beginners in general. In addition, understanding basic programming concepts like functions, loops, and data structures gave some major difficulties that needed to be solved with patience.
Python is one of the programming languages used most commonly worldwide, having applications in topics like data science, automation, web development, and AI due to its use. Therefore, facing the challenges related to learning Python not only improves a person’s potential but also helps reduce the worldwide lack of qualified programmers.

Inquirers: Python is a strong and flexible programming language that can be used for a variety of tasks, including data analysis and web development.Thinkers: Logical and analytical thinking are necessary for learning Python.

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