Learning a new language, Python

I  enrolled in an online course from December 23  to 31 to learn python, a high-level programming language,  since it is one of the simplest to master for beginners. Learning this improved my understanding of the fundamental principles of coding. This helped me learn more and gave me insight into how coding works. By doing this activity i was easily able to enhance my problem-solving skills, and it also to some extent helped me in building my logical skills and thinking critically.

LO’s catered


LO1  :  ( identify their own strengths and develop areas for personal growth)

Knowing the entire language of Python now helps me grasp how the foundations, such as Variables, Syntax, Data/Control structures, Tools, etc. function since I now have a solid understanding of certain basic ideas of coding languages. learning a high-level language ultimately helped me in enhancing my strengths.


LO 2  : (Demonstrate that they have undertaken challenges, developing new skills in the process)

I gained a new skill in programming, and I encountered several challenging obstacles when attempting to understand some functions or find solutions to other issues. I was able to gradually develop my abilities by doing this, which made it easier for me to comprehend on how programming works.




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