
During my vacations, I had the opportunity to go scuba diving in Bali, in the crystal blue oceans, introducing me to the beauty of the underwater world. I was embraced to the beautiful coral reefs fishes and diverse marine life. By doing this, I was also able to get over my fear of the ocean and feel more confident.  A lot of instructions were given, and certain signs were taught to communicate underwater as well, in case we have a problem or  if we want to communicate with others.


LO’s catered:

LO1- (Identify their own strengths and develop areas for personal growth)

Since this was my first time doing this activity, i wanted to make it as successful as possible giving me the full experience, which it did, but however i needed to improvise on my communication skills more effectively towards the instructor since, in some situations i had misinterpreted his signals. Hence this is a weakness that needs to be looked upon.


LO2 ( Demonstrate that they have undertaken challenges, developing new skills in the process)

Since I learned how to dive, breathe properly underwater, and swim, I was able to learn a new skill—scuba diving—which gave me more confidence because I had conquered my fear. At first, I had problems going underwater because I was terrified, but I continued in trying to overcome this fear.


LO4 (show commitment to and perseverance in their CAS experience)

I was aware of my excitement for the activity and knew it would provide me with one of the best memories and experiences of my time in Bali. Lasty I had  I overcame my fear of the water by pushing and going underwater. By putting effort into the action, I was successful.


LO5 ( demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I had to work with my diving instructor, who was at my side the entire time, leading me underwater and assisting me in dangerous situations. I primarily had to communicate with him underwater using sign language to make sure if everything was okay.

In conclusion, scuba diving has been a thrill and has been a unforgetful experience It has given me the chance to learn vital life skills, discover the undersea world and its rich environment.



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