Organizing Fountainhead School Model United Nations

FSMUN, Fountainhead School Model United Nations, is one of the most prestigious conferences in Surat hosting over 100 high school delegates each year. FSMUN forms communities, uniting delegates from all over India to debate and attempt to resolve some of the most daunting and grace issues from around the world. This year we organized the 9th installment of FSMUN, where I was a part of Secretariat, and had the role of Organizing Committee Head. In this role, I need to manage the whole organizing committee. Moreover I need to plan the event logistics, decor and manage all tasks on the two days of FSMUN. This was an exceptional experience for me to develop my leadership and creative skills.

LO 1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
The whole model united nations required a lot of tasks and responsibilities in it. During the division of roles, it was important for me to self-evaluate myself to understand my weakness and strengths. On understanding the same, it was easy for me to decide which role I want to go for and in what tasks, I can give my best.

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
It was my first time handling and managing such a huge-scale event with formal procedures. Initially things seemed messed up and difficult to manage along with schooling. It was difficult to take decisions and be ready for the unknown consequences. But eventually, I developed new skills of critically solving problems which may affect a lot of people, managing and reaching deadlines on time and improved my creativity.

LO 3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
Planning and implementing the event required a 3 month preparation. My journey began with interview for the role and getting the role. We initially started with researching and setting up the requirements and criterias of our MUN. Next we started completing tasks as per priorities like marketing it, creating study guides and opening the registration. On 19th and 20th of Nov, all our preparation came into action and I was on my feet throughout both the days managing the roles. After the event, we also took personal and overall feedbacks which helps me reflect on myself.

LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
This process required my daily involvement and engagement as without meeting initial deadlines, the whole committee would not be able to go ahead with the tasks. I had shown commitment to complete all tasks and was ready with the consequences possible. There were times during the process when I had to adapt uncertainties and sudden changes.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
FSMUN 9.0 had 7 core members. All the 6 other members, quite different personalities and with different set of skills and knowledge. While taking decisions, I had to consider and be open-minded to proposals from everyone. Even though I was assigned finance sector, throughout the process I played major roles in decor and logistics section ensuring that I take different roles within a team.

LO 6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
FSMUN is the miniature version of united nations. With 8 committees, as a part of the core team, we had to come up with 8 global debates around different countries. Based on the debates, we are required to write the study guides that needs intense research and knowledge on each of the issues of global significance. It developed my awareness and responsibility towards a shared humanity.

LO 7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Working in a team, my decisions would impact the whole event. I needed to be careful that I make ethical choices and decisions during the complete 3 month period. I should have no biases towards any member or participant, nor should I break any of the policies.

Along with the learning outcomes, I personally developed the learning attributes of Thinker, Communicator and Open-minder. Throughout the experience, I will showcase communicator attribute as I will have to constantly communicate to the members of organizing committee, delegates and all other event managers in order to conduct the event successfully. I will also develop as a thinker because I will need to take critical decisions to urgent problems and creatively think ideas to attract more delegates. It will also assist me in developing as an open-minder as this project includes me working with a huge group of people which leads to me respecting different opinions and perspectives.



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