
I recently gained interest in basketball i grade 11 when I watched my friends play a basketball match. So, I decided to learn basketball as my activity experience in CAS. I joined an academy to learn it. It has been 6 months since I joined and I am still going there everyday except sundays. While learnnig basketball I covered the below learning outcomes.

LO1 - Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I learned basketball so I learned many new things and even improved many skills. I learned basic skills need in basketball like dribbling, shooting and passing and also improved many physical skills like hand to hand coordination, agility, flexibility and high jumps as these physical abilities are must to play basketball. I also improved coordination with other players playing basketball as it is a team game and to score baskets we need to pass each other and score.

LO2 - Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

There were many submissions and deadlines that were to be done so it was hard to get time to practice basketball so I had to manage my time so that I can manage both studies and basketball. While playing basketball I also suffered few minor injuries like leg sprains and ankle twists due to which I couldn’t play for a few days but after I recovered, I continued playing basketball everyday.

LO4 - Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I was committed to this CAS experience as I  practiced basketball for over 6 months and I still practice it everyday, There were also many hindrance like deadlines, injuries and others but I overcame those obstacles and practiced it everyday.


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