Learning professional cricket

First I was playing tennis ball cricket and there are lots of difference between playing tennis ball cricket and playing Professional level cricket by Leather ball cricket.In tennis ball cricket you could play any shots and it may not hurt you much but in leather ball cricket you have to play proper cricketing shots and your one mistake can cause you an major injury.I go to an cricket academy which is well reputed in our city.I go 5 days a week to academy for the practice.We first do warm up before playing and then we do net sessions.


Practicing cricket almost every day have helped me identify my own strengths and weakness. Some strengths that I have seen is that being fearless about playing with leather ball.The only weakness that I have seen in my game is being nervous while playing matches.The game we see while watching is totally different when we play the game.It’s important for me to know me weakness because it will help me to improve in it.


The main challenge that I had from playing tennis ball cricket to playing  leather ball cricket is about to have that metal state of having fear of getting injury and to remove that metal state I have had many injuries in beginning but slowly and gradually the thought got removed.Now I feel very proud of myself that I removed that fear from myself otherwise I would not play cricket like the way I currently playing.


I had to plan my training in my initial days.First I had steps to remove the fear of Leather ball from me.After that I had to practice playing proper cricket shots.After that I need to improve my fielding which also plays a crucial role in cricket.Then slowly your game starts to improve.It was very difficult for me in terms of preparing myself physically and mentally to be ready to play leather ball cricket and when you go unprepared there are more chance of you getting an injury just because you are scared.


Commitment is very necessary thing while playing cricket.Without Commitment playing cricket makes no sense.As important fielding and batting is in cricket commitment is also important.It helps you to understand the game better and make you a better athlete.I have also improved my game because the commitment I purserve towards the game is well that has grown me as a player.

In the end this learning this has helped to become fearless and has developed me cricketing skills.My perspective towards playing with leather ball has completely changed as before I used to think playing with leather ball is very easy but now I know how hard it is.

Evidence youtube link-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR_ZOGy5jHU&t=60s 

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