Learning JavaScript

I gained interest in coding when I was grade 8 when I was taught HTML and CSS. Later I came to know about JavaScript which is a coding language which is used add more functionality and usability in a web page. I learned JavaScript through Great Learning which is a tutoring website having multiple courses for various languages. This experience will cater to creativity as I learned a new skill. While learning JavaScript I covered the below Learning Outcomes:-

LO1 - Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I developed my coding skills by learning a new language which is JavaScript. By learning this language I was able to make a way more professional looking and functional web page. I was able to add interactive tools like taking inputs and giving outputs based on it, pop up bars etc. Now I am also able to add bottom to top buttons, condition button and many more tools which makes the webpage more functional, easy to navigate and fun to use.

LO2 - Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

While learning JS I stumbled multiple times when I was learning new tools and syntaxes. I was confused which syntax is used for what purpose but the videos provided by great learning were useful at time like these. In between I tried to solve problems from google using JS and sometimes the code wouldn’t work and I was not able to know what the problem is as the answers were not provided neither they were available at great learning as I picked the problems from google. So, I had to search for the correct code and sometimes it was very difficult finding these codes.

LO3 - Initiate and plan a CAS experience

I planned this CAS experience as I first decided how I am going to learn JS, by going to classes, online classes, or a by taking an online course. After looking at all the possible ways to learn JS I decided to learn through an online course as it will be the most easy and effective way to learn where I can learn at my own pace, when I am comfortable learning and learn according to my schedule. Then I searched for an online course and after I found it, I decided when and for how much time I will attend the course.

LO4 -  Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

On some days due to certain circumstances I was not able to attend the course on the scheduled time but still I was committed towards learning JS and spared some time on the following day to complete the course I supposed to day the previous day. Also sometimes I didn’t have the motivation to attend the course and thought that I will do it tomorrow but I knew I wouldn’t do that and I was committed towards my  experience so I pushed myself to attend the courses on those days.

Evidence - 

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