Global Odyssey

In this experience, I created a photo booth with my team and we sold polaroid and normal photos from it 5% of our revenue would go to an NGO for missing girls. It took us one month to create the whole booth and plan and organize everything. We made a photo booth for the Global Odyssey event where all the students of Business Management and Economics opened stalls to sell their items in the event and from all the stalls 5% of their revenue would go to an NGO.

The learning outcomes I achieved from this experience are –

Learning outcome 1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

From this experience I learned that I am good at taking up challenges and opportunities as many as I can. And I developed leadership and organization skills from this experience. I developed my creative skills while doing this experience and learned that I am good at photography while doing this experience.

Learning outcome 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

The biggest challenge we undertook while doing this experience is that we had to create our booth according to the decor theme which was BOHO. Having a theme like BOHO it is difficult to create the booth and the props according to it. Hence, the major challenge which our group faced was to speculate what should be the decorations about and the selling different types of photos which might bring the maximum number of customers to our stall.

Learning outcome 3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience

As I was the team leader of the photobooth I was finding it difficult in thinking of how to make a profit by just making a photo booth, at the start brought all the group members to segregate our thoughts. By dividing the thinking work and delegating tasks to everyone our group got a clearer picture of our purpose for the event on the main day.

Learning outcome 4 – Show perseverance and commitment to the CAS experience

Our group showed commitment to this CAS experience by doing the work daily for more than a month and later on thinking about how to sell the photos on the main day. During the making of the photo booth, we lost most of our ideas because they didn’t work with the theme but we stayed committed and kept finding new ideas.

Learning outcome 5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

While doing this experience I learned that it is really hard to work collaboratively with the decor team because of the idea differences and working with the theme they decided on. Because if we don’t work with the theme then the photobooth wouldn’t look good.

Learning outcome 6 – Engagement with issues of global significance

I achieved this outcome because we donated 5% of our revenue to an NGO that helped girls. This particular NGO helps the major global issue which is human trafficking. A medium of technology and art is used by the NGO to bring social change.


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