Global Odyssey

Global Odyssey 3.0 is an event that is arranged collaboratively by the teachers and students of the Economics and Business Management. During the event there were various stalls that featured fashion, food, and games. The event was a one day fair that took place on February 23,2023. We had prepared a food stall for the event and we had worked several weeks for its planning and preparation.

  • LO1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
    I have a keen interest in participating in such events and my extensive knowledge of food motivates me to set up a food stall whenever such an opportunity arises itself. I had also set up a stall called GLOCAL where we offered and sold variety of dishes, including Kulhad Pizza, Biscuit Pie and sandwich. We applied our understanding of Business Management and Economics to calculate the cost price of our products, determine the break-even point and maximise our profits.

  • LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills
    Running a food stall is not easy in Global Odyssey as we have to manage many things like accounts and serving food to customers. I had learned various things that how to manage the crowd when my both the teammates went to take same utensils then I was the alone person who was handling the whole stall and preparing the food. We had set up a oven for Kulhad Pizza and Biscuit Pie and when I was using that I accidentally burned both the oven mitt and my hand, making it difficult to manage without the mitt. I provided assistance to my teammates making dishes when they were too much occupied so this made their work easier and from this experience I learned that you should assist your teammates and ask them to assist you with the tasks.
  • LO3 Initiate and plan a CAS experience
    In this CAS experience we had learned that setting up a stall at an event requires extensive research and planning to determine the food items that should be offered as well as to identify the target audience that will be attending the event and visiting the stall. We had to keep food items that are unique and hot selling. We had also researched that we have to keep food prices low then only the sales will increase and we can do more profit.
  • LO5 Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.
    Whenever we are working together our work gets divided between our group members and we are also able share and express ideas between friends. We had divided the work between us were Siddesh used to handle accounts team and taking orders. Arya was making Kulhad Pizza, Yug was serving the ice tea and taking orders and I was making Biscuit Pie, sandwich and handling oven. Working in team can help solving problems and result in higher efficacy in cooperation and accomplishing greater achievements in our personal lives, as well as elevated productivity and better learning.
  •  LO7 Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions
    Recognising and considering the ethics of choices and actions is important because when we are making choices and taking actions it ensures that individuals act in a morally and socially responsible manner. Business skills are also required because when we are setting the prices of the products we have to keep in mind that the prices are affordable to the people. One of the ethical issue we had to keep in mind while serving the food is food safety. The food the we had served was prepared at home only and we had prepared it hygienically.

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