weight lifting training

Joining a gym for the first time can be a daunting experience. The thought of working out in front of other people, not knowing how to use the equipment, and feeling out of place can be overwhelming. I enrolled in a gym as I wanted to lose some belly fat and build a good muscular physique . Afte learning through my mistakes , I finally began to train in a proper and consistent way and learnt different training types such as body builders , power lifters and cross fitters .

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During my experience at the gym, I discovered many new things about me. knowing your strong and weak points is essential for growth and that’s exactly what I found out in the gym . I still discover new things about my body every day and this really helps my progress in the gym .As lifting weights was something new to me it took my body some time to adjust to it but due to my past experience In doing bodyweight exercises and had played a bit of football it really helped through the process .

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Lifting weighs was something new to me . I overcame a lot of challenges to come to the point where I am right now . Like in the starting I had a lot of motivation but zero technique and knowledge through time and gaining more experience and u overcome the barrier of knowledge and technique , but at some point the motivation starts dipping and I started new ways to find my lost interest in training again and placing milestones was just the right thing for me . The feeling after crushing an milestone which seemed impossible at the start of the journey feels great and your motivation goes through the roof .

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You can achieve nothing without persistence and discipline , the same goes with training . It is a huge commitment , many times when you feel like quitting because you think you are getting nowhere  , those days are the hardest . Gym becomes a life style from a hobby in no time .Training creates discipline and this discipline is what helps you in the end when you have no motivation .

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