Writer’s And Newsletter Club

Our school’s official newsletter is known as Communique where students through grade 9 to 12 are given a chance to write something. In addition to writing, we had to create the newsletter’s website, social media pages, and visuals. which enabled us to understand every element required to create a great newsletter. I completed the following LOs throughout this experience:

LO 1 : Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

In this LO I got to know that I am strong in the writing part of the newsletter and the graphics part but when it came to making the website I was struggling as I have never made a single website and this was my first time which also gave me a new experience.

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken,developing new skills in the process

As I have mentioned above I have never made a website in my life.The school had recommended  us to use wordpress as it would be easy to use.Their were various different elements which were very confusing at first but through different tutorials and each other’s help we have made a successful website.

LO 4 :Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences

I have been in the school’s newsletter from August to February which are 7 months which gave me a lot of time to explore all the different categories available.

LO 5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

The newsletter team was more than 10 people where we had to play through each other’s strengths and help each other pass their weakness also in every meeting we had to come to a final decision on various things like theme, social media activity and contents.

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