Cultural Capsule (CAS Project)

My CAS project was to start a club for culture. Thus, my friends and I established a cultural club to promote Indian culture on Instagram. Also, we hold drives in government schools and orphanages where we assemble volunteers and request that they accompany the children to various culturally-related activities. Examples include reading aloud from books, making paper plate rangoli, lanterns, and more.

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken,developing new skills in the process.

We had never created a club, let alone one on Instagram, and none of us knew much about Indian culture, so we all had to do some study, make some drawings, and then post it. The majority of these tasks were unfamiliar to most of us, therefore learning them before completing the other tasks required time.

LO 3 : Demonstrate How To Initiate And Plan A CAS Experience

We created a timeline for the experience because it was my CAS project, and it indicated when a particular Instagram post should be produced, when the drive should be arranged, and many other things. Also, because it had us organising the entire drive, which included finding an NGO or a government school, it was challenging because some required that you be 18 or just refused to accept us, making the planning stage very challenging.

LO 4 : Show Commitment And Perseverance In CAS Experience

We all formed this club in August 2022 and ran it for 9 months, from 2022 to 2023, posting content on Instagram twice a week about a variety of subjects, including holidays, food, clothing, art, and more. The fact that we have been organising the drives for a while also contributed to their success.

LO 5 : Demonstrate The Skills And Recognize The Benefits Of Working Collaboratively

Since we were all working as a team, it was simple to play to individual strengths. For example, if someone was particularly skilled in graphics, they were assigned to handle the graphics. This also occurred in the other areas, such as social media, content curation, driving communication, and many others. Also, as a group, we improved both our communication and self-management skills.


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