Basketball (Activity)

A few years ago, I started playing basketball, because my father was also good at basketball and I was tall. At first, I couldn’t even properly dribble. However, I’m pretty good at it right now. Every day, I go to a sports complex near my house to play with other people. My basketball experience was thrilling.

During the CAS experience, LOs met:

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

At first, I had a hard time because my shots weren’t going in and I was new to the sport. But after a lot of practice, I got better over time, and my shot started going in.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

Making three-pointers is the new skill I acquire through this experience. I used to play for at least an hour every day while doing this, and as before, my three-point shots didn’t go in. I used to practice for my three-point shot every day, and after a lot of practice, my three-point shot started going in. I’ve improved my shooting and dribbling skills as a result of this CAS experience.

LO 4: Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experience

Every day for practice, I had to go to the sports complex. I was dedicated to developing particular skills and making it better. I don’t find it hard to stick to what I say, so it wasn’t hard for me to show commitment during this CAS experience either.

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I used the skills I learned in the game. Because basketball is a team sport, everyone needs to work together to win the game. As a result, everyone must collaborate.


The learners profile for this CAS experience are Risk-takers, Principled, Caring, Thinkers, Open-minded

In conclusion, I find basketball to be an extremely engaging sport. As a result, I will remain healthy and fit.





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