FSMUN 9.0 Lok Sabha

I took part in FSMUN 9.0 which was held in fountainhead school. It was my first time when I participated in any MUN so I was not really sure how it works. So I asked few of my friends and researched how it functions. I took part in Parliament of India and my delegate was Mohammed Sadiq. He is currently a member of Parliament, representing punjab constituency. Our agenda was “Insurgencies in India”. So I researched about the insurgencies in Punjab. Through this event I got to learn many things such as Time management, Effective communication skills, Debating skills, etc.

Through this CAS experience I met these following Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth 

Through this CAS experience I was able to find out my strength and weakness. Weakness such as managing time, Debating skills, etc. These are essential when participating in a MUN but since this was my first time participating in a MUN, I will make sure that next time I manage these as well. Strengths such as understanding the motion of the parliament and creating points for countering.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in this process.

The Challenge I faced is that since I did not have much prior knowledge of Indian Politics, I was unable to participate much in the arguments, However I am delighted that I did something which I had never done before which motivated me to participate more in such events.


LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

In order to make this event purposeful and meaningful, it was essential that I show my commitment and efforts towards this event. I researched about the insurgencies in Punjab and made a noted them down which I would use during the debate. I also learned how Lok Sabha functions and what are its rules and procedures.


LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Once allocated the delegate I was supposed represent, I collaborated with my party members and understood what am I supposed to do. what is the importance of my delegate in the Party.I also coordinated with my party members in order to create a sensible debate point.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance.

Global significance which we discussed was “Insurgencies in India” . Having the knowledge of this topic contributes to my personal growth. I learned what all problems have occured in India during these years.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

After participating in FSMUN 9.0 as a delegate of Lok Sabha, I understood the insurgencies that had been occured in the history of india. i knew about few of insurgencies however after participating in the event, My knowledge about topic has increased and it has created an point of interest to know more about this topic, more in depth information. Because As a citizen of India, I must know about the past of my country.

The SDG’s catered in this CAS experience are SDG 16 - Peace and Justice Strong Institutions and SDG 17 - Partnerships to achieve the Goal. the learner profile Attribute catered in this experience is Communicator because I the first and the most important skill required in a debate is to communicate your points effectively. Communicate with my party members.

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