Online Course

I have completed an online course on Investment Banking by J.P.Morgan, where I had to complete a few tasks as a part of the course.

LOs met:

  • LO1
    As the course contained practical tasks, I had to identify my own strengths and use them to complete a few tasks. For example, I identified that I was comparatively better with analysing financial numbers than interpreting text containing financial data, so I used the resources accordingly which supported my strength, in order to complete all the tasks. I also had to identify my weaknesses in order to work on them. For example, before completing the course, I was not well-versed with Excel. But I worked on that because I understood how useful the Excel tool can prove to be.
  • LO2
    During the course, I took the challenge of learning new skills such as using Excel, making comparisons between different companies regarding their businesses, presenting financial data, and making investment recommendations based on the analysis of the companies. I also learned and performed the DCF Valuation method through this course. So overall, the course helped me develop numerous new skills.
  • LO3
    To improve my knowledge regarding finance and investment banking, I began with this course, where I made a time-specific plan for myself to ensure that I am able to complete the course along with managing my academics and other things. I also had to plan my learning process as I had to acquire the necessary knowledge regarding investment analysis to complete the tasks part of the course. Following that, I had to plan for my submissions for each of the tasks which were a part of the course in order to ensure quality submissions of all the tasks.
  • LO4
    This course was not simply about referring to the information that has been provided, rather it included practical tasks. Through those practical tasks, I learned about what work is done by Investment Banks, how they function, and the resources and data they use. Hence I showed perseverance and committment by completing all the tasks diligently and by constantly seeking to enhance my knowledge in the field of Finance.

So overall, completing this course helped me gain significant knowledge about investment banking, and also helped me in developing various new skills related to this field.


Certificate-JPMorgan_Investment Banking Course

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