Global Odyssey 3.0 – Accounts Team

I was a part of the Accounts Team of the Global Odyssey 3.0 event, where we all were responsible for handling the finances during the entire event.

LOs met:

  • LO3
    Being a part of the organizing committee, our planning for the event began well in advance because we were aware that organizing such an event with such significance would not be easy. We therefore had to do extensive planning for the event where we had to understand and evaluate the different options available based on which we took the further decisions. For example, we were first thinking of having a coupon system, where all the transactions would be dealt through coupons instead of cash, and we had also designed the coupons. However, we later again reverted back to the option of dealing all transactions in cash due to various problems that could have been possibly encountered with the coupon system. So overall, a lot of planning had been done by the entire organizing committee of the event in order to ensure that the event is a success.
  • LO5
    As I was a part of a large organizing committee, we had to work as a team, which required effective communication and cooperation so that the decisions are made keeping in consideration the different perspectives, and so that everyone would have clarity about their individual roles so that they could perform them in the expected manner.
  • LO6
    In the event, we even focused on engaging with issues of global significance, where we catered to the SDG ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’ as we tried to reduce unnecessary consumption by minimising the usage of non-reusable spoons, plates, and glasses, through which we catered to the sustainability aspect.



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