Being a part of organizing committee in the FSMUN | Creativity

FSMUN, or Fountainhead School Model United Nations, is an event where students take on the roles of delegates from various nations and try to find solutions to real-world issues. I contributed my creativity by being a part of the organizing committee. I volunteered at the event and assisted with decoration, and committee supervision throughout the event. I participated in this event because it is really beneficial and offers a glimpse into the actual UN. I was willing to volunteer at FSMUN because organising and planning events enhances my interpersonal, verbal, and creative abilities.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I have never participated in or arranged anything like FSMUN; it is a unique event. As MUN is a replica of the UN, everything needs to be well organized, and since I was a volunteer, I felt under pressure to make sure that the event looked well-Coordinated . I had a lot of jobs to finish quickly while juggling multiple activities. I’ve always had trouble with time management, but this event gave me the drive to improve. I created to-do lists with the amount of time I was willing to devote to each task to help me overcome my weakness and effectively manage my time. Doing decor on the day of the event was also challenging.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

FSMUN requires extensive organisation because it is a professional event with more than 100 delegates. Everything for FSMUN, including the planning, role assignments, decorations, food, and other elements, had to be done from scratch. It took a long time and a lot of work to plan everything. To make sure that all of the work was finished in time for the event, our team had to plan and allocate roles. The two days before the actual day of the event we had to work for the entire school hours. Throughout this activity, we had to be persistent and committed because if we procrastinate, we would have to miss out on other vital activities like school and other extracurricular activities. Even though it was challenging to work every day, we knew we had to persevere and demonstrate devotion if we were to perform the event properly.

LO 5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively. 

It takes a team to plan an event this size, and it takes time and work. The FSMUN team consisted of more than 20 members, and our mission was to host the best MUN ever. We had a lot of work to complete in a short amount of time, so I was glad that this was a team project. It was simpler to accomplish the event work because the job was divided among the participants. Furthermore, new and varied viewpoints kept coming in, so we combined all of the ideas and presented them as best we could. Because everyone brought a unique perspective to the conversation on particular subjects, our talks were highly constructive. I had previously worked in teams, so it got easier to me. I like collaborating with others because I get to meet new people and hear different perspectives. I was able to express my ideas and offer my point of view, therefore my communication skills came in handy. It grew hectic when people had different opinions, but we resolved it as a group. Because it enriches me as a learner and enhances my listening, communication, and creative skills, cooperation captivates me.

Overall this event was a huge success 

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