
Sketching has been a natural extension of my creativity because I’ve always been interested in art. As my interest in sketching has developed, I’ve been able to pinpoint both my own particular strengths and growth opportunities in this field.

LO:1 Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

The first learning result has been especially helpful for my growth as a sketch artist. I’ve come to understand that my capacity for observation and detail-capture is one of my greatest assets. This has made it possible for me to produce sketches that are extraordinarily accurate and lifelike. Yet I’ve also noticed a need for improvement in myself—namely, my willingness to try out new approaches and methods. Although I am pretty skilled at drawing realistically, I am keen to experiment and attempt new things.

LO:2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

My development as a sketch artist has also been aided by learning result number two. Learning how to add depth and perspective to my sketches has been one of my major struggles. I have experimented with several shading methods to meet this problem, and I have also looked for information and instructions online. I have learned new abilities and methods as a result of this approach, which has enabled me to produce sketches that are more dynamic and compelling.

LO:7 Recognize and consider the ethics and choices and action.

My experience with sketching has also been pertinent to learning outcome number seven. As I’ve tried to improve my abilities, my awareness of the moral implications of choices and deeds in the arts has grown. For instance, I’ve learnt how crucial it is to correctly acknowledge the sources of reference photos and how crucial it is to respect other artists’ intellectual property. These factors have assisted me in developing into a more considerate and moral sketch artist.

Overall, my interest in drawing creativity has helped me gain a better understanding of my own abilities and potential for personal development, take on new challenges, learn new skills, and increase my awareness of the moral implications of decisions and acts in the arts.








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