Volunteering at Tranquil Time: Developing New Skills and Collaborating Effectively

I am constantly looking for ways to learn and progress as a student at VA, especially when it comes to enhancing my abilities and working with others. I leaped at the chance to help when the Grade 7 IH team at my school created an event called Quiet Time.The art forms included in the Calming Time session were Aboriginal, Bhil, Dot Mandala, and Warli art. Based on their interests, the students were separated into four groups and sent to various locations. I worked with a group of students to study and make art while volunteering at the Warli Art location.

LO:1 Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

Finding our strengths and developing opportunities for improvement was one of the Tranquil Time session’s main learning objectives. As a volunteer, I was able to recognise my leadership and communication skills as I led the group through the art project and prompted productive teamwork. I also saw certain areas where I could develop, like my artistic abilities, which I focused on the entire time.

LO:2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

Demonstrating that difficulties have been taken on and new abilities have been developed was another learning objective. I found the Warli Art  to be difficult because I don’t consider myself to be particularly artistic. But with the assistance of the other volunteers and the art teacher’s direction, I was able to learn new Warli Art techniques and produce a lovely painting with the group.

LO: 5 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Finally, Tranquil Time underlined the value of collaboration and provided examples of its advantages. I was able to share my skills and pick up knowledge from others through working with the other volunteers and students. A more lively and dynamic work of art was produced as a result of our collaboration than if we had worked alone, in my opinion.


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