CAS Experience 3 – Global Odyssey

Supervised by : Divyesh Modi


For one of my CAS experiences, I participated in Global Odyssey as an Organizer in the Social Media / Marketing team. This was a Student Let Event Organised in January and February and healed on the 24th of February. While some work was done in January, the Actual Work began on the 6th of February, as specific slots were allotted for this event since then. The total Working Hours I spent in this event were 50; This time was spent editing videos / Creating Posters, / Filming.


Schedule: There was as Such no Work Flow for the event as It was a Student Let Event, but I worked on My Business Management Slots, which were from after the 6th Till 24th, and other than that, I have given 30 min outside school daily to develop skills and edit clips.


Learning Outcomes : 


LO1 [Strength & Growth] :

We had Individuals with different skill sets; thus, While dividing responsibilities, we all had to Identify our strengths and the areas we needed to work on. Through this, I could identify my weakness: a lack of video editing knowledge.Though this experience I learnt a lot of things like video editing skills and many more.It grew me as a person and even helped me develop my skills and helped me learn new things.


LO2 [Challenge & Skill ] :

This CAS experience brought some challenges for me as this was an unfamiliar experience; because of this, I acquired skills shown through my Experience.Balancing studyies and event work was a challenge for me and it was a task for me to complete school task and complete course on video editing.


LO3 [Initiative & Planning] :

This Experience was spread over a long period. The articulating stages for executing the plan were accomplished in collaboration with my peers. We used the learner profile reflective to handle responsibilities assigned to each individual and plan accordingly.


LO4 [Working Collaboratively with others] :

There were ten members in the social media/marketing team, and dividing work accounting into free slots and a set of skills was significant. A key to bringing this event to its full potential as a collaboration is to be shown by every individual. During this event the whole Décor and Social Media and photo both team where all working together, Ideas and thoughts became more clear as time passed, Through  this I lernt working collaboratively with others and respecting their thoughts and opinion and it taught me how working collaboratively with people can bring major changes and can help an individual grow.


Learner Profile : 


Thinkers: I used a thinker learner profile while editing clips for the event; I used it while creatively recognizing and approaching complex problems to make reasoned and ethical decisions throughout the Experience.


Communicators: Communication was the fundamental purpose of social media and marketing, Not only communication via Social Media but even with people in school to spread the word about the event. 

Inquirers: Not only Did I learn a lot through this Experience, but I even developed a natural curiosity to acquire the skills necessary to inquire. I actively enjoyed learning independently, and this urge to learn new things will be sustained throughout my life.


Reflective: During this Experience, every action or accomplishment that I made was given thoughtful consideration; everything that We planned, for example, Interviews / Posts / Shoots, 2etc, were all first reflected to understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development.


During this Experience, I faced a small problem of lack of skill and time management; for Social Media, there was a need for ideas for editing and presenting content, and for such creatives, ideas with my peers demonstrated there was a need for good video editing skills for which I watched endless tutorials for editing clips an editing logos, This helped me build skill and even helped me taught me how to manage time for both academics and events.


As a result, The event was a success and was healed on the 15th of February. I could extensively communicate and reflect on my actions and develop skills such as media marketing and video editing through this Experience. Overall, the event strengthened me as an Individual and taught me how to learn things independently and sustain myself throughout my life.


Evidence :  

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