Beach Cleaning

Beach cleaning raised my awareness on the type of waste in the environment, learning the cause and effects, and how it reduces the toxic chemicals in the water.

Helping keep the environment clean and healthy really brings out a different side of me. I get to understand the causes of litter and learn what I can do to help. I chose this as a CAS experience so that I could keep toxic materials that are greatly harmful to the animals out of area, create a safer environment, and reduce pollution.

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

A few challenging points were the excess marine littering that was scattered all over the place. I noticed quite a triggering situation where the public would watch us clean however still continue to litter and there would be trash cans placed far away from the eating area which clearly was of no use. I worked with my parents and my friend to make the job more efficient. In total we had a lot of bags filled by the end of our task. Beach cleaning made me realize how important it is to keep the environment around you clean it also educated me to become a responsible citizen and serve the society.

LO 3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Cleanliness promotes mental clarity which is why I usually like to keep myself organized so that I can be more efficient and manage my time wisely. Initiating this wasn’t that challenging for me because I find it interesting to plan such activities. I proposed it to my parents and we got to work. I think planning would be much easier for me now that I got to work with a serious global issue to keep our ecosystem clean.

LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

With the poor behavioral patterns of the public, it indicates their unawareness towards environmental pollutions which leads to unhealthy breathing air. I took up the responsibility to maintain the cleanliness of the environment and took into consideration the life below land and their survival as well as life on land. These two objectives helped me to be committed to my job and create a safe environment for the people.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Our collaboratively working atmosphere helped to increase the sustainability of different communities and preserve the beautiful world. Our goal was to eradicate waste as much as possible and come together to share ideas that would help us to succeed and obtain larger and beneficial results.

LO 6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Plastic pollution has impacted thousands of marine animals worldwide. As a result, beach cleanups are absolutely necessary to alleviate the issue posed by marine debris and the threat that plastic pollution poses to marine life.

LO 7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Regular cleaning and disinfecting can be benefitting to staying healthy and avoiding diseases such as cancer, reproductive growth, diabetes, and obesity. Keeping the environment around you clean prevents illnesses for marine life and creates a healthier lifestyles for the people.

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