Creative Mela

Creative mela is an event where all the volunteers come together to provide a platform to students where they engage in several creative activities.

LO1:- Identify own strength and develop areas for growth

I taught batik art to students of grade 7 to 9. One of my strengths was to manage students in a proper manner. I worked on my skills and helped the students complete their activity. However, there were moments where the students of higher grade i.e. grade 9, were not very cooperating, but i worked with them to complete the task smoothly.

LO2:- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 

One challenge that I faced was to learn a new artwork. Batik art was very new for me and learning and creating a prototype in very short time was difficult. However, me and my teammate researched about it and learned the artwork and created a prototype.

LO4:- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

As we were teaching our juniors they were often lacking patience. It was difficult for them to stay focused. We were very patient with them and tried to make them understand the work easily. However, me and my teammate showed commitment till the end and completed the event successfully.

LO5:- Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Me and my teammate worked with each other to complete the task. We were focused on our task till the end. We both have different skill sets which were used to benefit us and the event.

LO7:- Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

We were given a list of students who were allowed to come at our stall. following this list was very important because we were having limited resources. We had resources for 10 students from each grade which helped us save resources and stay focused on our choice of action.

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