Cricket tournament participation

I have always enjoyed playing box cricket, I used to go out with friends and book a turf just so that we all could play cricket, and my tuition organized a cricket tournament which I was a part of. The tournament included me meeting people from different schools who studied in my tuition and doing a lot of exercises including a warm-up to the actual playing cricket. It was a very long tournament and we had to play for hours and hours. We were auctioned off to different teams and the captain led us to which strategies should we use and how can we improve our gameplay.



I was able to recognize my strengths and weaknesses, the strengths being i was good at bowling so I had the first over but my weakness was batting which was a huge setback because whenever I had to bat, I was only able to score like 10 runs. This tournament helped me work on my weaknesses and the captain gave me tips on how to improve my batting which helped me even in the future.



I developed a new skill of batting and I worked on that skill to sharpen my batting and bring something to the table for the team. It was challenging because I was never able to hit the ball accurately as my hand-eye coordination was pretty bad, but after this tournament, I was able to hit significantly more balls than before.



I had to show commitment to my team and throw good balls consistently as well as do equally as good in other areas of the game so that we had a good chance of winning. Even though we didn’t win, I was committed to giving our team at least a good chance against the other teams.


This CAS experience was a really good way to exercise and I had a lot of fun since I enjoy playing cricket as a sport. My team consisted of random people I had never met before so we had to communicate and collaborate with each other to give out a good performance and stay in the tournament. Although we didn’t win, I enjoyed this CAS experience a lot and I would definitely do it again if I had the chance.

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