
Farewell is a grade 11 project for their seniors where we planned, decorated, and put out an event for the 12th graders. It’s an event where the seniors got to walk down the memory lane and cherish their childhood in Fountainhead. Moreover, us, the juniors, and teachers wish them the best on parting.

Farewell was a good way where I could collaborate with my classmates to set up a memorable event. In order to showcase the amount of hard work that was put in by everyone to make this event successful. The preparation that took for decor, games, food, dance, music, speeches, and many more really paid off.

LO 1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I identified my strengths and weaknesses by challenging myself to do things that required me to step out of my comfort zone. For example, dancing in front of a huge crowd – initially, I was quite nervous to put myself out there, however with rigorous practice I was able to enhance my skills. Nevertheless, I am satisfied with the change I faced and it assisted me for future assists.

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

A few challenges my team and I had to face were the limited resources we had been provided with. Originally, the decor team consisted of many ideas however when we proposed them to our mentors they rejected it due to the prohibition of materials. Additionally, there were cost cuttings to our budget with caused us to shortlist quite a few things. In order to overcome those challenges my team and I thought of alternatives that would go well with our theme.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

As per being in the decor team, I met people with various ideas and personalities. Some being quiet while some being dominant. This was a major factor in view of the fact that at times some had vastly different opinions than others and coming to a conclusion was quite some work. However, with the help of understanding leaders, my teammates and I were able to communicate well and respect each other’s opinions as well as decisions. It was a plus point having considering teammates and leaders because without their cooperation it wouldn’t have been possible to create a successful event.

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