Organizing the French Immersion 2023

French Immersion event that took place in our school on 13th January. In this this event we had DP students and teachers. In French immersion event, students and teachers were introduced to the culture of the Language and the countries that speak it, the same was done through fun games such as crossword, bingo, memes and riddles. The purpose of it was to spread awareness about French culture around the world. I was one of the event coordinators and contributed to the organizing the entire event through the use of my leadership skills.

Learning Outcome 1 

During the process I used to strengths in management to manage the team of volunteers and made sure that work was going smoothly I also delegated with teachers and events department inside the school to arrange for resources such as speakers and LCD.

Learning Outcome 2

During the Decoration phase of the event, we were somehow short on volunteers so all of us including our French teacher had to contribute to the Decoration. I am very bad at drawing and painting however due to the challenge at hand, I developed a new skill of painting while painting flags of different countries to catered to the problem of the scarcity of helping hands.

Learning Outcome 3 & 4

Since I was in the core committee. I started to work on the event that happened on 13th January 2023 since November of 2022. I took initiative, planned, and committed to the experience for a good month completing some or the other work every week. I along with other volunteers came early-in on several days leading up to the event.

Learning Outcome 5

In order to collaborate with others, efficient communication is necessary. Working together with others gives you access to a greater range of viewpoints and knowledge, which can aid in your decision-making. Also, it enables you to distribute jobs among team members and capitalize on their individual abilities, which speeds up and improves the efficiency of your work. We all used collaboration to the fullest extent possible to make sure to complete our work on time and efficiently.

To conclude, I had great fun and learning during this experience.

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