Beaded Jewellery

I was particularly drawn to the fashionable jewelry that I saw so many others wearing, but since I couldn’t find anything that suited me, I made it myself. Before getting the chance in school to show them to others in the flea market, I chose to learn how to make the skill and acquired the supplies. My friend and I created these necklaces for the flea market at our school, displayed them at another fest called Global Odyssey. I am also planning on starting a business soon. I made a lot of things like anklets, bracelets, rings, phone charms, etc.

LO’s achieved are :

LO1: Identifying own strengths and weakness
Through my experience making beaded jewelry, I have been able to identify my own strengths and weaknesses. I found that I am stronger on the creative side of the process, where I can freely express myself and experiment with different designs. On the other hand, I have also discovered that my weakness lies in the more technical and systematic aspects of jewelry making, such as measuring and precision work. Despite this, I have noticed that I possess good skills when it comes to creating unique and visually appealing jewelry. This realization has given me confidence in my abilities and encouraged me to further develop my craft. Overall, the process of making beaded jewelry has helped me gain a better understanding of my personal strengths and weaknesses, and has allowed me to focus on my areas of expertise while working on improving my skills in other areas.

LO2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
During the process of making beaded jewelry, I faced various challenges that resulted in the development of new skills. One significant challenge was achieving a professional finish for the pieces. At first, I used basic locks, which proved to be inefficient and compromised the overall look of the jewelry. However, through trial and error, I was able to develop new skills and techniques to achieve a more polished and refined finish. In addition to improving my finishing skills, I also learned many new techniques, such as making complex flowers and incorporating unique bead patterns. These new skills allowed me to add more intricate and elaborate details to my jewelry designs. Although the challenges I faced were frustrating at times, they ultimately helped me grow and develop as a jewelry maker. I now feel more confident in my ability to create high-quality pieces, and I am excited to continue exploring new techniques and designs.

LO4 : Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
One of the most significant challenges I faced was the frustration of constantly making a lot of beads. It was a tedious and time-consuming task, and at times, I lost hope when the product didn’t turn out the way I imagined. Cooperation with others on properties was also a big issue, and it often tested my patience and perseverance. However, I never gave up, and through my perseverance, I was able to overcome these challenges and create beautiful and unique pieces of jewelry. In the end, the satisfaction of creating something beautiful and unique made all the hard work worth it. Perseverance is key in any creative endeavor, and I’m proud to have shown it during my journey of making beaded jewelry.

Learner profile attributes include :
Risk takers : A lot of money is invested to make this successful
Inquirers : My inquiry for new skills led me to achieve this

In conclusion, my journey of making beaded jewelry was an incredible experience that required a significant investment of time and money. Although it presented numerous challenges along the way, it was ultimately an enjoyable and fulfilling process. Through this journey, I not only developed new skills and techniques that will undoubtedly help me in the future but also gained a greater appreciation for the artistry and beauty of handmade jewelry. The process of creating unique and beautiful pieces of jewelry was both inspiring and rewarding. It allowed me to express my creativity, develop my skills, and create something truly special. Although there were times when I felt frustrated or discouraged, my passion for jewelry-making kept me going, and in the end, it was all worth it. Overall, my journey of making beaded jewelry was an amazing experience, and I look forward to continuing to explore this art form in the future.


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