Manav Sadhna visit (Service)

(Video Experience)

LO3 Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience :
The experience was incredibly enriching and eye-opening. However, planning the trip was no easy feat. We had only two days to organize the trip and had to book tickets only a day before. It was challenging to coordinate with everyone and ensure that the trip went smoothly. Despite the difficulties in planning, the visit was well worth it. We were able to witness firsthand the incredible work that Manav Sadhna is doing to help the less fortunate and marginalized members of society.

LO5 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively :
collaboration was a crucial element of the experience. As a group, we worked together to plan and organize various activities and events. From group activities that promoted teamwork and communication to a collaborative dance performance, we all played a part in creating a supportive and inclusive environment. Through collaboration, we were able to learn from one another, share our experiences and perspectives, and make a meaningful impact on the community we were visiting. Overall, the focus on collaboration during our visit to Manav Sadhna Ashram was a reminder of the power of working together towards a common goal. It was an inspiring and rewarding experience that I will always cherish.

LO6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance :
Achieving quality education and equality for all is a global issue that affects people of all races, religions, and genders. During our visit to Manav Sadhna Ashram near Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad, we witnessed first-hand the amazing work being done to address this issue. The ashram’s focus on education and empowering marginalized communities was incredibly inspiring. From providing access to education and vocational training to working with underprivileged children, they are making a real impact. Through their programs and initiatives, the ashram is promoting a more equal and just society, where everyone has the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances. Being part of this effort was an amazing experience. Through our collaboration and hard work, we were able to contribute to this important mission and learn valuable lessons about the importance of equality and education.

LO7 Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions :
During our visit to Manav Sadhna Ashram near Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad, we were faced with an ethical dilemma when we were asked to visit the homes of underprivileged children in the slum areas. We were concerned about dressing well and being perceived as superior, which could make the children uncomfortable. However, we were reminded of the importance of humility and empathy in our interactions with others. We decided to go ahead and that was a wise decision because it would have hurt the feelings of their parents and the children. This experience taught us the importance of being aware of our own biases and assumptions and being sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. It was a reminder that ethical considerations should always be at the forefront of our actions, especially when working with marginalized communities.



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