French Immersion

The French Immersion event took place at our school on 13th January. In the event, DP students and teachers were introduced to the basics of the language through fun activities such as jeopardy, crossword, bingo, memes, and riddles. The main goal behind holding such an event was the promote and educate the audience about the culture and language of French. I was part of the decoration team and helped them decorate stalls and the overall look of the venue.

LO1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
A strength I showed while working on the decoration team was showing attention to detail which was very important because, in the end, it helped to make my input in the decoration look very well done and appealing to the eye. An area where I could improve is my knowledge of French culture because if I had more knowledge I could have provided more input and helped coordinate exactly what would happen in the decoration to make the immersion even better.

LO2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills
The main challenge was the amount of time given to us because we only had 4 days to make decorations for the event. I had to develop new skills such as time management and multi-tasking. Both these skills allowed me to intensively work on finishing up multiple aspects of the decoration without fail. These skills will also help me in the future in school and after that too.

LO 3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience

Ever since I got accepted into the decoration team I realized it was important to organize people and resources to effectively complete our task so through communication and on-the-spot changes we were able to plan and execute it well.

LO4:Show perseverance and commitment to CAS experience

I had to show perseverance throughout the event because even though sometimes the plan would have some minor changes the goal was still clear and that’s why I had to follow through till the end. I had to work efficiently by avoiding distractions and doing things in the best way possible to ensure the completion of the task.

LO5 :Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

The main issue of time was solved easily because of the collaboration within our team, we were taking feedback from each other, and we were very flexible so we were allowing ourselves to perform tasks we maybe weren’t so good at, for example for me it was the tracing and cutting out flags which was very difficult as there were a lot of them, but with the help of peer it became much easier and was done in almost 10 times less the amount of time it would’ve taken me alone.

In summary, I feel my language skills improved from this event because even though my main source of volunteering was through decoration i still took the liberty of being a host for the jeopardy game which required me to be more knowledgeable and experienced in the use of the French language,



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