Python for Data Science Course

Python for data science is a course that introduces learners to the use of Python programming language for data analysis, manipulation, and visualization. The course is on a website called cognitive classes which offers many free courses in multiple fields. I started the course on Jan 8 and it took me more than a month till Feb 12 to finish it.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

My strengths that I noticed whilst doing the course was that my problem-solving skills and attention to detail, which I have developed throughout my school years have helped me in being able to learn python pretty well. An area I have to improve on is my debugging skills because my code editor usually told me what and where my error is but sometimes the minor errors would not show up so I would have to either restart or waste a lot of time in finding the error.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

Python and academic work must be balanced, which involves efficient time management. I’ve learned how to set priorities for my work and organize my time so that I can devote it to both Python and academic work. I’ve been able to increase both my productivity and efficiency thanks to this. Whenever I got stuck on a problem or a project I had to find some help so I’ve learned to ask for assistance from peers, mentors, and internet resources and to try out several methods until I discover the one that works best for me.

LO3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience

I started off by finding some courses I could do to increase my knowledge and after doing some research I was able to find one that linked to my career option and future plans. After starting I realized that I’m a massive beginner, I had to devote more and take it slowly so I would not miss any minor detail that i would need in the future. Slowly I was getting better and better until I completed the course.


LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

I established specific objectives for myself at the beginning of the Python course, such as finishing all of the assignments on time or becoming an expert in a specific programming subject. I then divided up these objectives into smaller, more doable activities and made a schedule for finishing them. I made a commitment to working on my Python abilities every day, even if it was just for a few minutes. I discovered that maintaining consistency was essential for advancing and gaining momentum.


Reflective- I reflected on my learning by giving review questions after every subtopic and doing a final exam too, to see if I am proficient enough in the language.


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