Monsoon Musings

Monsoon Musings was an event held at our school where the whole school community was invited to share a piece of literature and embrace their shared love for it. I was the head of the decoration team for the event. This event gave me an opportunity to dig into creative ideas and explore literature through art.  It provided me with space to showcase my leadership qualities. As much as I helped coordinate the event, I also served as a host on the day of the event. 

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

I am a creative head, and I had great potential for coming up with different ideas for the event. But on the other hand, carrying the idea forward and getting the work done was not always easy for me. I was not good at managing time and my team and I had to rush things in the end which could have been avoided if we were proactive since the very first day. It was important for me to realize this cause moving ahead time management skills will be a crucial part of my life as I will have things piled up and knowing how to get my work done on time and implement is important for me.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

I have worked as a team member before, but it was my first time as a leader for me, managing the tasks and coordinating with the teachers was all new for me. There were so many problems that arose for which we had to come up with immediate solutions. We had a very little budget for decorations and the ideas did not pass. There were a lot of miscommunications that happened and changes in the venue last minute. I had never done anything similar to this before, it was my first time, and I couldn’t be any more nervous. We came up with solutions, reused materials from past events, changed the decor as per an outdoor event, and tried communicating with the staff and the teachers more so that everything could be clearer and to make this event a success. To add on, being a host for the event was terrifying. But I have hosted before, so I was very flexible while hosting. Time management and thinking/creative skills were crucial to apply while organizing any event, especially a creative event. I demonstrated such skills, and I am so glad I could be a part of such a wonderful event full of literature. It is important for us to undertake challenges and face them with confidence, it is all part of the learning experience. 

LO3: Initiate a cas experience:

As the head of the decoration team for Monsoon Musings, I was tasked with transforming the school into a literary haven, a place where students and teachers could immerse themselves in the written word. Despite the challenges of managing a team, working within a tight budget, and adapting to last-minute changes, I persevered, demonstrating my leadership skills, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability. The event was a resounding success, and I was proud of the role I played in creating a memorable experience for the entire school community. This experience taught me the importance of initiating projects that align with my passions and contribute positively to my community. It also instilled in me the confidence to take on leadership roles and inspire others to engage in meaningful CAS experiences.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Being the head of the decor team gave me a huge responsibility but also gave me a team that added to my plate. Working collaboratively has never been easy for me, I like to voice my opinions even though I listen to what others have to say, I still favor my opinions and ideas. It was a major obstacle, I had to work in a team for 2 weeks straight. I was aware of this weakness, and I took this event as a learning opportunity where I was continuously testing myself and my ability to work in a group. It was important for me to work collaboratively because it is important for personal growth. The risks and achievements are for all, everything is shared. During those 2 weeks I learned to respect everyone’s opinions without compromising my own and I learned that it is stronger and easier to work in a team than work solely. At first, it was difficult for me, but socializing has not been a skill of mine, it was easy for me to gain and give trust and to hold onto each other every step of the way. It is essential for everyone to be able to work in a team and I am glad I had this event as an opportunity to learn how to work in a team as a leader it helped me understand different perspectives and acknowledge different ideas. 

I showcased the learner profiles communicator and thinker throughout the event as I communicated my ideas and interacted with different people.–V8vNzyHKBE0lzRY-fvejZUeLly4P6TWUmuqgIw/photo/AF1QipPgl175D7A0w8FqPInW4V0cWdcxTzK9dK-jIRPw?key=a292SkJwNmtVeG1tUGs4T0dBXzNJRXFUN09nOUVn–V8vNzyHKBE0lzRY-fvejZUeLly4P6TWUmuqgIw/photo/AF1QipMxs4NerowFnDdQPfDnCdhnxWXJDvQU2sKe92Qe?key=a292SkJwNmtVeG1tUGs4T0dBXzNJRXFUN09nOUVn–V8vNzyHKBE0lzRY-fvejZUeLly4P6TWUmuqgIw/photo/AF1QipNjXd6ozbSJSASHkm3QqiZsmIGSG054P9hpfVTV?key=a292SkJwNmtVeG1tUGs4T0dBXzNJRXFUN09nOUVn

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