Global odyssey

On February 23, 2023, our school hosted a Global Odyssey event, organized by our BM and economics teachers. This event was held in order to expose us to and provide us experience with how an actual business operates in the real world. I selected the fashion-related stall as my preference. My friends and I sold lip balms, body washes, bracelets, as well as a variety of cute stationery. We had to make this occasion a huge success because MYP and DP students were invited. We needed proper planning, excellent communication skills, and great proper business knowledge. This event was conducted to help retain profits and give its 5% to an NGO as a service.

LO 1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.
I have a lot of options when it comes to keeping the products at my stall that the crowd would prefer. We acquired the products in response to my calculations of the profit we would make and my ability to recover my investment. That demanded a lot of courage and stepping outside of my comfort zones while selling the products and marketing it to the students.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
We initially experienced difficulties because we didn’t have many buyers, but as soon as the intended consumers showed up for whom we had chosen the products, we sold them all. While presenting my ideas and the products I was selling and persuading the students to purchase them from my stall, I developed my marketing skills.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
It took nearly a month to arrange and organize this experience. Choosing the per-person investment, doing research and looking for the products in various stores, seeking for things at a reasonable cost, and keeping in mind the prices at which we will sell at our stalls and how much profit we might preserve are all important steps. In order to maximize the amount of money we were investing in this event, we had to plan, organize, and make a lot of assumptions.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
We had to think twice when we used to visit stores to look for items at retail prices because the entire group would go there together to get different viewpoints on the products we would purchase. We needed a lot of patience because finding things in large quantities at fair rates wasn’t easy, but we eventually succeeded. We also needed commitment, so we took time after school to look for products, mark all the pricing, figure out the profit margin, and make the event successful the day of the event.

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.
We have to collaborate in order to make this idea happen. I was in a group of three friends, and while we worked together, we balanced out everyone’s work while purchasing the materials and making the chart paper (and other decor ideas).

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
We sold each individual at the same price and were unbiased towards all students. In addition, the school gave 5% of our incomes to NGOs.

To sum up, this experience greatly improved my understanding of how a real organization operates and also helped me with my BM and economics ideas. I also learned a lot about marketing strategies and how a successful team works.


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