Mount Abu (Educational trip)

As a part of my educational trip, I travelled to Mount Abu. On our trip, we spent a lot of time participating in camp activities. I went for a walk in the woods before daybreak after getting up early. Given that being in nature is one of my favourite things to do, especially when I first wake up, very little physical labour was required. I like hanging out with my buddies, sharing camping knowledge with them all the time, and educating them about tracking. Similarly, I was granted the chance to make noodles on the campsite with the least amount of tools while using the campfire as a fire source because I knew how to cook and loved doing it.

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

This was by far my most memorable vacation since I had never travelled before, but it also improved my interpersonal skills and let me realise how well-suited to travel I was. I felt spent and weary as the journey came to an end, and I understood that my body needed more wellness and vitality.

LO 2: Undertaking New Challenges

Traveling was easy for me because I have a great deal of endurance. I also take great care to protect myself from harm. The worst part of the test was that hauling sacks made me significantly more weary and that it ended up being hot during the day. One of the challenges was the possibility of everyone falling if one of us fell.

LO 4: Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experience

I required a boatload of stability for this activity because it required extensive travel and was physically demanding. It was presumably also rather hot and dusty. I did, however, do it all and get where I was going. Due to my perseverance, I was able to observe amazing sights like the sunrise, gorgeous mountains from the chimney of the dazzling horn, nightfall from the top of the mountain, etc.

LO5 : Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

I’ve always taken the idea that working in a team makes a task easier and more advantageous seriously. Your togetherness can be someone else’s vulnerability. In our expedition, it was most demonstrated when we helped one another by giving them more autonomy while on the journey, when someone was hurt, and when we communicated with one another. This improved the effectiveness and enjoyment of travel. We all exchanged recently formed memories.

LO6 : Engagement with issues of global significance

As we moved through the mountains, we gathered all the garbage that crossed our path, placed it in a bag, and after we were done, we threw the bag away. This is important because we shouldn’t ruin the condition we are in right now, and this trash has had the greatest natural influence.


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