Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants, either for practical purposes like producing food or medicinal herbs or for decorative purposes such as beautifying a landscape or adding greenery to an urban environment. Gardening requires a range of skills, including preparing the soil, selecting appropriate plants, planting, watering, weeding, pruning, and harvesting. The benefits of gardening are many, including the opportunity to connect with nature, enjoy fresh produce, and engage in physical activity. Gardening can also provide a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment and can be a therapeutic and stress-relieving activity.

I got inspired by a movie name 2012 which mostly talks about disasters in real life. however, I wondered and found some ways to prevent disaster so I choose gardening and decided to contribute to sustainability for future generations. I took over my mother’s duties and started gardening with her advice and help on my terraces and balcony.

-LO1:(Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)

As someone who enjoys gardening, I’ve found that my strengths lie in my patience and attention to detail. I enjoy taking the time to carefully tend to each plant, ensuring they have the right amount of water, sunlight, and nutrients they need to thrive. However, an area for growth for me is expanding my knowledge of plant species and their specific needs. I would also like to work on planning and designing my garden space more effectively so that it can be both functional and visually appealing. I am excited to continue learning and growing as a gardener and am open to trying new techniques and experimenting with different plants to improve my skills.

– LO2 – (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills)

When I first started gardening, I had very little knowledge of plant care and maintenance. However, with my mother’s guidance, I took on the challenge of tending to our backyard garden. Through trial and error, I learned about the importance of soil preparation, pruning, and fertilization. I also developed new skills, such as identifying different types of plants and learning how to diagnose and treat common plant diseases. While there were some setbacks along the way, I am proud of how far I’ve come and am excited to continue expanding my gardening skills in the future.

-LO3 -( Initiate and plan a CAS experience)

For my CAS experience in gardening, I decided to transform a small part of my terraces and balcony into a vegetable,  fruit and flower garden. I had to manage my schedule carefully to coordinate with my mother, who had experience in gardening and was helping me with the project. We started by preparing the soil and selecting a variety of vegetable seeds to plant. It took a long time to get everything just right, but eventually, we were able to watch our garden grow and flourish. Through this experience, I not only developed my gardening skills but also learned the importance of teamwork and perseverance.

-LO4:(Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience)

When I started my CAS experience in gardening, I was excited to transform a small part of my terrace in my backyard into a vegetable garden. However, it wasn’t always easy, and there were times when I struggled with challenges like pests, disease, and inclement weather. Despite these setbacks, I remained committed to my project and continued to persevere. I did research, sought advice from more experienced gardeners, and tried new techniques to overcome these obstacles. Over time, I began to see the fruits of my labour as my plants began to grow and produce fresh, delicious vegetables. Through this experience, I learned the value of perseverance and commitment in achieving my goals, and I am proud of what I accomplished.

-LO5 -(Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)

Working collaboratively with my mom on our gardening project was an enriching experience that allowed us to leverage our respective strengths and skills. While I was responsible for coordinating our schedules, selecting the plants, and monitoring their growth, my mom provided valuable guidance on plant care, pest control, and soil preparation. By working together, we were able to achieve more than we could have on our own. We also learned the importance of communication, patience, and compromise to reach our common goals. In addition to the practical benefits of our collaboration, our gardening project also provided us with a unique opportunity to bond over a shared interest and spend quality time together in a beautiful outdoor setting.

-LO6:(Engagement with issues of global significance)

As a gardener, I believe that my actions have the potential to make a positive impact on some of the global issues we face today, such as climate change and food security. By growing my food, I am reducing my carbon footprint by avoiding the transportation and packaging associated with store-bought produce. Additionally, I can support local biodiversity by choosing to grow native plants and reducing my use of harmful chemicals. Through my garden, I can also contribute to the larger movement of sustainable agriculture and work towards a more equitable food system. Overall, I see gardening as a way to engage with global issues in a meaningful and tangible way and to inspire others to do the same.

-LO7:(Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions)

As a gardener, I recognize the importance of considering the ethics of my choices and actions to minimize any negative impact on the environment and society. This means being mindful of the types of plants I select and how they are grown, as well as the use of pesticides and fertilizers. I strive to use organic and sustainable gardening practices whenever possible, such as composting and companion planting, to promote healthy ecosystems and support biodiversity. I also consider the ethical implications of how I use and dispose of water and other resources in my garden. Overall, my goal is to create a garden that not only benefits me but also contributes to the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.

In conclusion, gardening has been a rewarding experience for me on many levels. It has allowed me to connect with the natural world, learn new skills, and engage with important global issues. Through gardening, I have developed patience, perseverance, and an appreciation for the beauty and complexity of life. I have also gained a greater understanding of the ethical implications of my choices and actions, and have made a conscious effort to promote sustainability and biodiversity in my own house. Whether I am harvesting fresh produce, enjoying the beauty of my flowers, or simply spending time outdoors, gardening has brought me joy and a sense of purpose. I look forward to continuing this journey and seeing where it takes me in the future.

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