As an art lover and a creator, poster painting has always held a special place in my heart. I have always been fascinated by how this medium can communicate a message or an idea boldly and powerfully. Poster painting is not just about creating a beautiful image, it’s about making a statement and capturing the attention of the viewer. I still remember the first time I saw a poster painting in a museum, and how it immediately drew me in with its vibrant colours and bold design. Since then, I have been drawn to this art form and have experimented with it myself, using it as a way to express my ideas and perspectives. Poster painting has allowed me to combine my passion for art and design with my desire to make a difference in the world, and I believe it has the power to inspire change and bring people together.
-LO1:(Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)
In poster painting, I have discovered that my strength lies in my ability to conceptualize and plan the design of the poster. I enjoy brainstorming ideas and exploring different approaches to convey a message or an idea in a visually appealing way. I also feel confident in my use of colour and composition, as I strive to create a balance between the elements to ensure that the poster is aesthetically pleasing. However, I recognize that I need to develop my skills in the actual execution of the painting. I have found that I struggle with creating clean and crisp lines and struggle with shading to add depth and dimension to my designs. To address this, I plan to focus on practising my brushwork, exploring different techniques, and experimenting with various materials to improve my technical skills in poster paint. Additionally, I believe that it is important to continue to seek feedback and guidance from other artists to continue to grow and develop my skills in this exciting medium.
– LO2 – (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills)
When I first started poster drawing, I found it challenging to create visually appealing designs that effectively conveyed the intended message. However, through consistent practice and experimentation, I have developed new skills in colour theory, composition, and typography. I have learned to effectively use negative space and balance visual elements to create cohesive designs that capture the viewer’s attention. These challenges have pushed me to explore new techniques and styles, leading to a greater sense of creativity and confidence in my poster drawing abilities. Overall, I am proud of the progress I have made and the skills I have developed through overcoming the challenges of poster drawing.

-LO4:(Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience)

My CAS experience of poster drawing has required a great deal of perseverance and commitment. There were times when I felt frustrated with my progress and doubted my abilities, but I refused to give up. I committed to dedicate regular time to practising and developing my skills, even when it was challenging or inconvenient. I also sought out feedback from peers and mentors, using their constructive criticism to improve my work. Through this process, I have developed a deep appreciation for the value of perseverance and commitment in achieving personal growth and creative success. I am grateful for the opportunity to have applied these traits to my poster drawing experience and for the positive impact, it has had on my personal development.


-LO7:(Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions)

As an artist in the realm of poster drawing, I recognize the importance of considering the ethics of my choices and actions. For instance, I am mindful of the impact that my designs may have on different communities and individuals, and I strive to create work that is respectful, inclusive, and promotes positive social change. I am also mindful of intellectual property rights and the importance of giving credit where credit is due, especially when it comes to using other people’s work as inspiration for my own. Additionally, I consider the environmental impact of my materials and try to use sustainable options whenever possible. As a responsible artist, I believe it is important to approach my poster drawing practice with an ethical mindset that reflects my values and my commitment to creating art that is both beautiful and meaningful.


In conclusion, my experience of learning poster drawing as part of my CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) program has been enriching. Through this process, I have not only developed my artistic skills but also learned important lessons in communication and design. I have discovered the power of simplicity, the importance of careful planning, and the impact that design elements such as colour and font can have on the overall message of a poster. This experience has not only helped me to achieve my CAS goals but has also given me a valuable skill set that I can apply in future academic and professional endeavours.

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