Quilling is a paper craft that involves rolling and shaping strips of paper to create intricate designs. The technique of quilling dates back hundreds of years and has been used to decorate religious artefacts, as well as to create ornate pieces of art.

To create a quilled design, a quilling tool is used to roll the paper strips into tight coils, which can then be shaped and glued together to form various shapes and patterns. These shapes can be combined to create intricate designs, such as flowers, animals, and other decorative motifs.

There are many different techniques and styles of quilling, and artists often use a variety of different materials and tools to create their designs. Quilling paper, which is specially designed for this craft, is available in a wide range of colours, widths, and textures. Other materials, such as beads and rhinestones, can also be used to embellish quilled designs.

Quilling is a versatile and accessible craft, with many tutorials and resources available online for beginners and experienced quillers alike. Whether you’re creating a simple design or a complex masterpiece, quilling can be a rewarding and satisfying hobby.

-LO1:(Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)

As someone who enjoys quilling art, I have identified my strengths and areas for growth. One of my strengths is my ability to create intricate designs, especially when it comes to combining different shapes and patterns to form a cohesive piece. However, I recognize that I still have room for growth in terms of experimenting with new techniques and materials. I would like to challenge myself to try new quilling techniques and materials, such as incorporating 3D elements into my designs or exploring different types of paper. Additionally, I would like to improve my precision and attention to detail, as I sometimes struggle with creating perfectly symmetrical shapes and lines. By practicing and seeking out new challenges, I am confident that I can continue to improve my quilling skills and create even more beautiful and intricate designs.

– LO2 – (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills)

I have taken on several challenges in my quilling art, which has allowed me to develop new skills and techniques. One challenge that I undertook was to create a quilled design using 3D elements. I had never attempted this before, but I was determined to push myself out of my comfort zone and try something new. To achieve this, I began by researching different techniques and materials that I could use to create the 3D elements. After several attempts, I was able to create a quilled butterfly with raised wings, which was a significant achievement for me. This challenge taught me the importance of experimentation and persistence, and it gave me the confidence to continue pushing myself to develop new skills and techniques in my quilling art.

-LO4:(Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience)

During my experience of learning quilling as part of my CAS, I demonstrated perseverance and commitment in several ways. Firstly, I spent time researching different techniques and materials to use in my quilling projects, and practicing the basic shapes until I was able to produce them consistently. When I encountered challenges, such as struggling to create a certain design or the paper not cooperating in the way I wanted it to, I persevered by trying different approaches until I achieved the desired result. I also committed to dedicating regular time to practice and hone my quilling skills, even when I was busy with other commitments. Through this experience, I learned the value of persistence and dedication in achieving one’s goals, and how the rewards of hard work can be truly satisfying.

-LO7:(Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions)

As someone learning quilling, I have become increasingly aware of the ethical considerations of the choices and actions involved in this craft. For example, I make a conscious effort to source quilling paper from sustainable and ethical sources, to ensure that I am not contributing to environmental or social harm. I also consider the use of other materials, such as glitter and embellishments, and their potential impact on the environment. Additionally, I am mindful of the cultural and historical significance of quilling and take care to respect the origins and traditions of the craft. This includes avoiding appropriating or misrepresenting cultural symbols and designs, and acknowledging the contributions of the communities from which quilling originated. By considering these ethical issues, I am able to engage with quilling in a more responsible and respectful manner.

In conclusion, my experience of learning quilling as part of my CAS has been a fulfilling and enriching journey. Through this experience, I have developed a new skill and discovered a new form of creative expression that I enjoy. I have also learned the importance of perseverance, dedication, and attention to detail in achieving my goals. Moreover, I have become more aware of the ethical considerations involved in quilling, and have committed to engaging with this craft in a responsible and respectful manner. This experience has provided me with a platform to share my knowledge and passion for quilling with others, and has opened up new opportunities for personal growth and service to my community.

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