Beach cleaning

We had gathered together in an event to clean a beach in our city.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

We worked cooperatively in order to clear the trash on our beach. We had gotten into groups in order to perform the activity successfully. We got into groups and scattered ourselves throughout to cover the maximum amount of area that we can in order to make this drive successful and fruitfully clear the beach of the garbage. Secondly, we had to work collaboratively in order to dispose of different kinds of trash. For example, plastic had to be put in the trash bags, and glass bottles had to be disposed of separately. So for the smooth and efficient running of the cleaning, working in groups and dividing roles were essential. Another reason for working together in groups would be that it benefited us with more productivity. Working in groups would turn out to be more beneficial than working alone and unorganized and people would not work more efficiently and be distracted. People would gather in the same spots. However, going in groups would make the activity more efficient.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance.

Littering is a global issue affecting every species present on earth, and everyone is responsible for it. It is our responsibility to clean up the littering that we do. Because of littering and poor waste management, there are many consequences. It is mostly prominent in countries like India, and we have to take an initiative to contribute towards solving it. Littering in the ocean by industries and individuals is a global issue. When you litter, the excess waste gets washed up on the shores, and the other trash keeps endlessly floating on the surface of the waters.The garbage forms patches and floats on water bodies and oceans. The trash is accidentally consumed by marine life, and all the micro plastics even affect the smaller species which are not directly able to consume it. When humans consume fish, the plastics are also consumed by us indirectly and the toxic elements even cause harm to us. Because of the toxic chemicals released with the waste, local aquatic plants and ecosystems associated with it are also affected. Coral reefs and other species of these plants cannot perform photosynthesis as the sun rays are blocked, and the toxic elements do harm to the marine plants and their local ecosystem. The trash that is collected, also harms us because of poor trash management. Most of the plastic is burned, causing global warming. We should take steps to revert this process. We should segregate trash and sustainability treat it according to its needs. We should recycle whatever can be, and separate organic and inorganic trash. We should use paper bags instead of plastics. These are a few steps that can be taken in order to support the environmental movement and to resolve this issue of global significance to prevent future consequences.

SDGs associated with it are – Good Health and Well-being,Clean Water and Sanitation,Sustainable Cities and Communities,Responsible Consumption and Production,Climate Action,Life Below Water.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

After this event, seeing all of the people of my city flood the beach to take an action against climate change changed my mind on the subject of littering. I, in the past, used to litter thinking it’s just one piece of trash, no harsh consequences will occur if I just litter one piece of trash, which was the wrong thinking. After the event I learned the consequences of everyone thinking the same way and littering one piece of plastic and what it results into. I learned about the efforts people are willing to put in the movement and I decided to contribute by not littering and indulge in activities for the well-being of society.

To conclude, this whole event was an awesome experience, i got the opportunity to do welfare to the society, and reflected upon my actions in the past.

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