Mount Abu (Educational trip)

Mount Abu was truly an unforgettable experience. From the physical challenges to the breathtaking sights, the trip was filled with new and exciting experiences that pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me grow. One of the most challenging parts of the trip was the trekking. It was definitely hard work, but the feeling of accomplishment when we reached the top was absolutely worth it. The view from the summit was stunning, and it gave me a real sense of my physical capabilities. But the trekking was just the beginning of the adventure. We also got to try rappelling and mountain climbing, which were totally new experiences for me. It was a bit scary at first, but with the help of our guide and my supportive friends, I was able to conquer my fears and really enjoy myself. Spending time with my friends was also a highlight of the trip. We laughed, we talked, and we supported each other through the challenges we faced. It was amazing to share these new experiences with people who I know will always have my back. And perhaps one of the most unique aspects of the trip was the fact that we were away from our phones and other technology. It was refreshing to disconnect for a little while and just enjoy the natural beauty of the world around us. I was able to be fully present in the moment and appreciate the incredible sights and experiences that were all around me. All in all, my school field trip to Mount Abu was an amazing experience that I will never forget. From the physical challenges to the breathtaking views to the quality time with my friends, it was a trip that pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me grow as a person.
LO’s Achieved were :

LO1 Identifying own strengths and weaknesses:
During my trekking experience, I realized the importance of identifying my strengths and weaknesses. I watched and learned from experienced trekkers to develop my skills and eventually achieve success. Acknowledging my weaknesses allowed me to work on them and turn them into strengths. This same process applied to mountain climbing and rappelling, and the experience has taught me the value of self-reflection and personal development.

LO4 Show commitment and perseverance in experience
During my trekking experience, I showed commitment and perseverance in completing the long and difficult treks. Despite the challenges, I remained determined to achieve my goal and was able to see the beautiful views that awaited us. Waking up at 5:00 am was very tough too. However, my dedication to the experience paid off, and I was able to fully embrace the adventure and appreciate the rewards that came with it.



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