Cas Experience 3 : World Coastal Cleanup Day

Every 3rd Saturday of September is celebrated as World Coastal Cleanup day, and in order to honor it, one of the largest beach cleanup programmes had taken place in Surat (Dumas). This programme was so much more than just beach cleaning, it was a collaborative effort and there were various fun activities offered to make the programme engaging and fulfilling. The activities included live band performances, live plays & acts, adventurous games, along with multiple organic products and food stalls. 

I enthusiastically volunteered to be a part of this campaign to fulfill my role in service and give back to the environment as well as the society by cleaning the beach and also be a responsible citizen by doing so. This campaign was a beach cleaning drive with over 3000 volunteers with a great motive to take such an action in order to make the world a cleaner place to live in. 

This experience catered the following LOs

LO 4 : Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

A crucial quality that was required during the beach cleanup activity was perseverance and commitment. To work and clean the beach collaboratively and staying committed throughout the programme and not giving up. Even though the task was tiring in several ways as it required us to roam around the whole beach and pick up trash using hygienic measures, I was quite disgusted by picking up trash but I stayed persistent and tried my very best to fulfill my responsibility and not give up.

LO 5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

As this programme was one of the largest beach cleanup drives, it involved a larger number of people to create a bigger impact on the environment. A lot of people like me found the same passion of giving back to the community, hence we all worked together towards the same motive of beach cleaning, ultimately hitting a bigger goal of saving the environment. This event inspired and motivated several hundreds of citizens to wake up early and work collectively to achieve this event’s motive. By working as a unit we were able to clean the beach more efficiently & quickly as compared to smaller communities or individuals.

LO 6 : Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

This campaign catered to some of the very crucial SDG´s such as Clean Water and Sanitation, Sustainable Cities and Communities; by making a sustainable choice and cleaning the beach, Life Below Water, Life on Land ; also catering the aspects of the flora and fauna in our surroundings that will be benefited through our initiative of cleaning the beach.

LO 7 : Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Participating in this campaign was an ethical choice itself, by making such a choice I reconsidered the aspects of how this step would help resolve a global issue, along with how this initiative will act as a greater step towards the sustainable development goals and the other living beings on land and in water. The overall initiative was an ethical choice for the betterment of the environment and ultimately our planet.

I enjoyed this event thoroughly, it helped me enhance my social and communication skills while cleaning the beach together with my peers. This event catered the Service aspect of CAS as it was about fulfilling our part and giving back to our community. Even though there were a few ups & downs, the overall process was worth the outcome that made all of us proud.

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